A Pathway to Membership
Westminster 101 is an opportunity to learn more about the ministries, mission and organization of Westminster. Whether the class meets in a single session one evening or over a series of gatherings during our Sunday Groups time (10:00am), every attempt is made to offer a comprehensive review of the ministry and mission of the church.
Each class includes an introduction to the pastors and to the other people who share your interest in learning more about what it means to be a member of Westminster. As you are comfortable, you will have an opportunity to talk about how long you’ve lived in the Stateline area, your church background, and what brought you to Westminster.
The vision statement and the mission statement are presented along with an outline of what we believe about God, the role of God’s people in the church and the world, the Bible, and the sacraments of Holy Communion and baptism. Information about our history and heritage includes the establishment of the Presbyterian Church and the story of Westminster in Rockford. The particular organization of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the way that Westminster is structured to do the work of the church is valuable in discovering how each individual fits into the church’s mission.
Throughout the class, your questions will be welcomed and answered honestly. Our goal is for you to get to know us and get to know yourself, as well as your expectations of church membership, in addition to learning your way around the church building.
Westminster 101 concludes with an opportunity to meet with a group of Elders. Although there is no obligation to join the church, those who are interested will be provided the paperwork and an opportunity to meet with Elders. At that gathering, you will again be invited to tell a little about yourself and to answer this question: What keeps me coming back to Westminster?
If you are new to Westminster, we hope you will consider attending this class and learning more about our wonderful church!
If you have questions, or would like to sign up for the next offering of Westminster 101, please email Pastor Gretchen or call the church at (815) 282-1500.