Our Vision Is to Nurture the Next Generation for Service.

Westminster places a high priority on our youth! We’re happy to talk with you and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to contact us through our email form, or call the church office at (815) 282-1500.

Students are led by a wonderful staff and volunteer team. Through activities, discussion and study, they focus on issues very real to students.

Triennium Logo

It’s Triennium Year!

Presbyterian Youth Triennium is Sunday 7/27 at 7pm to Thursday 7/31 at 8pm. See Elizabeth Duckett or call the Westmister office with any questions.

Junior & Senior High Youth Ministry: where friends, food, fun and a deeper relationship with Christ collide.

Sunday nights from 5:00–7:00pm in the Youth Center (September–May).

Confirmation for 8th Grade Students

Confirmation Class is for students in 8th grade, as part of Westminster’s Middle School Ministries. This is both a membership preparation class and a time for students to focus on their faith.

Our Confirmation program meets weekly September–March on Sundays from 9:45-10:45am.

Worship with us Sunday mornings… from anywhere!

Live streaming at 8:30am (Traditional Service) and 11am (Contemporary Service)